Mission Statement: To educate, restore and promote the ideas and practices of using a Good Mind in all interactions among individuals and our environment.
Our government, The Great Law of Peace, is a democratic system steeped in spiritual traditions that offer a personal code of conduct which is intended to dictate all of our actions, words, and decision making. That is, our spiritual democratic laws provide guidelines to raise up and maintain healthy communities of individuals that not only survive but thrive when we live and interact with the natural world according to our original instructions given to us by the Creator.
A Good Mind is fundamental to proper conduct in all things from ceremonies, political decisions and personal interactions. Keeping a Good Mind is essential in promoting healthy environments where we understand the necessity and commitment of maintaining good relationships, be they with one another, the environment or nations. A Good Mind is understanding we are different, we have different ideas and different solutions to life’s challenges. A Good Mind accepts these differences, acknowledges the value of others and does not falter in showing respect and appreciation of others.
For the past five hundred years, our communities have been assaulted and decimated to near extinction as a result of colonialism, religious missionary practices, and government programs to annihilate indigenous peoples and our traditional practices. Yet we survive, largely due to our holding on to traditions albeit sometimes watered down versions of our traditions. Too often we have unhealthy relationships, ineffective solutions and spend our energies chasing a way out of poverty which all contribute to unhealthy communities. Restoring our ancient practice of keeping a Good Mind can only lead towards healing first the individual, the community and finally the nation.
While the struggle of indigenous peoples on this continent to survive as healthy communities has been difficult, our success lies in preserving and/or restoring ancient practices i.e. cultural revival, language and ceremony. And while virtually every president from George Washington on has contributed in some way to the demise of indigenous peoples the “founding fathers” of the United States studied the Great Law and modeled the Constitution after it. Some claim the US has the greatest government system in the world. We maintain it could be but for the missing articles that those founding fathers eliminated such as increased checks and balances, women’s roles in shared leadership, consensus and peaceful negotiation. It could be argued that a clearer understanding of the Good Mind might have resulted in a better government system.
The Good Mind Project is an endeavor to move forward towards a better world by uniting in utilizing ancient ideas and practices towards healthier interactions among all peoples. While we seek to restore and revive language and culture to our own community we recognize the potential of educating the larger community on the attributes of the Great Law and the practice of interacting under the codes of conduct produced by using a Good Mind.